EMA Appliance Post Op Instructions


Wear and care instructions for your new sleep apnea appliance


The EMA® (Elastic Mandibular Advancement) oral appliance is a customized removable appliance created for the noninvasive treatment of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The appliance is designed to both advance the mandible and open the bite to allow for less restricted airflow during sleep.


  • Increased saliva flow is common when you first start wearing the appliance and should subside.
  • At times you may develop a dry mouth while sleeping. You may sip water with the appliance in, but make sure the straps don’t become loose.
  • You may experience tooth soreness and jaw muscle fatigue due to clenching your teeth and your bottom jaw being pulled forward. This is normal and will go away over time.
  • If one or two teeth become extremely sore or if your gums become sore, you may need us to adjust your appliance.


  • Elastic straps on the sides of the appliance are the key to the success.
  • We will work to find the best length for you. It is helpful for you to tell us when you feel optimum comfort and effectiveness have been reached.
  • Some patients’ jaw muscles relax quickly and do not need the straps change frequently. It is not uncommon for the straps to be changed out regularly during the first month or two.
  • Straps need to be changed if you start holding your breath or gasping in your sleep or if snoring worsens.
  • Use caution when changing the straps on the appliance. Don’t hold it in the palm of your hand and squeeze down or it will break.
  • When using blue or clear straps, warm them in very hot water, preferably in a cup of water that has been microwaved to near boiling, before you attach them to your appliance.
  • Hook the strap over the point on the button, then pull forward or backward.


Please call us if you have any questions or concerns. We can be reached at 440.461.9600.

Visit Our Office

Highland Heights, OH

5564 Wilson Mills Rd. #101 #102, Highland Heights, OH 44143

Email: smile@koskidepaul.com

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Office Hours

  • MON - TUE8:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • WEDClosed
  • THU - FRI8:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • SAT - SUNClosed
(440) 461-9600
