Fotona Laser Technology

Dentist in Highland Heights, OH

Laser Therapy Using FOTONA

Changing how we do Restorative Dentistry and Facial Rejuvenation.

Koski DePaul Dental Group

Why laser?

  • Minimized trauma
  • Greater precision, means little to no anesthesia needed in most cases
  • Little to no bleeding or swelling
  • Quicker prep time, means fewer dental visits

Fotona Lightwalker

How are Fotona Lightwalker procedures performed?

Though each laser dental procedure differs in detail, some elements remain constant. First, protective eye-wear will be provided to protect the eyes. Second, a small laser will project streams of atomized water to cut into the hard or soft tissue. The laser sterilizes as it moves, which means that in the case of soft tissue augmentation, the whole procedure can be completed in a single visit.

The Fotona Lightwalker laser increases comfort levels and reduces anxiety. In addition, it is one of the least invasive and most effective tools that dentists have at their fingertips. Fotona Lightwalker can significantly improve the health of the teeth and restore the beauty of the smile.

What benefits does Fotona Lightwalker Laser offer?

Fotona Lightwalker works by precisely combining atomized water and laser energy to gently remove hard and soft tissue. This precision laser means that in most cases, there is no need for anesthesia. Additionally, the laser actually sterilizes the surgical area, meaning that there is less risk of bacterial invasions or infections. For children and fearful patients, the dental laser offers a needleless and painless way to achieve the perfect smile.

Here are some reasons why using Fotona Lightwalker is preferable to the traditional dental drill:

  • Adjacent teeth remain unaffected
  • Faster and stronger bonding of fillings
  • Less of the healthy tooth is removed
  • Minimal bleeding during and after procedures
  • No heat or unpleasant vibrations
  • Pinpoint accuracy generates better results
  • Reduced number of dental visits
  • Reduced risk of post-surgical infection

Visit Our Office

Highland Heights, OH

5564 Wilson Mills Rd. #101 #102, Highland Heights, OH 44143


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Office Hours

  • MON - TUE8:00 am-5:00 pm
  • THU - FRI8:00 am-5:00 pm
  • WED, SAT - SUNClosed
(440) 461-9600

Dr. David Koski & Dr. Diane DePaul

5564 Wilson Mills Rd. #102,
Highland Heights, OH 44143

Call Us: (440) 461-9600

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Dr. Kyle Koski

5564 Wilson Mills Rd #101,
Highland Heights, OH 44143

Call Us: (440) 460-5400

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