Oral Surgery Post Op Instructions


You’ve just had oral surgery in our office - Now what?



  • First hour – bite down gently but firmly on gauze packs that have been placed over the surgical sites to keep them in place. The packs may be gently removed after one hour.
  • If active bleeding persists, place enough new gauze and bite down gently for another 30 minutes.
  • Gauze may be changed as necessary (typically every 30-40 minutes). It’s best to moisten the replacement gauze slightly before placing it over the surgical site.
  • Do not disturb the surgical area today.
  • Do not touch the surgical site or probe with any objects.
  • Do not rinse vigorously.
  • You may brush your teeth gently with a manual tooth brush.
  • Do not smoke for at least 48 hours after surgery. This is very detrimental to healing and may increase the chances of getting dry socket.


  • Intermittent bleeding and oozing may occur overnight and is normal. Control bleeding by putting a fresh gauze over the areas and bite down for 30-45 minutes at a time.
  • Bleeding should never be severe. If so, it usually means that the packs are being clenched between the teeth only and are not exerting pressure on the surgical areas. Try repositioning the packs.
  • You may substitute a tea bag (soaked in very hot water, damp-dry and wrapped in a moist gauze) for 20-30 minutes.
  • If bleeding remains uncontrolled, please call our office.


  • If antibiotics were prescribed, continue to take them for the indicated length of time.
  • You will most likely have a prescription for pain medication. If you take your first pill before the anesthetic has worn off, it will help to manage the discomfort better.
  • The effects of pain medications vary widely among individuals. If you don’t achieve adequate relief at first, you may supplement each pain pill with an analgesic such as aspirin or ibuprofen.
  • Follow the Pain Management – Homecare Instructions for a detailed schedule.
  • Remember that the most severe pain is usually within six hours after the local anesthetic is worn off; after that, medication should be tapered off.
  • If you experience swelling after surgery – during the first six hours apply an ice pack, 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off. This will help decrease pain and swelling.
  • After the first 24 hours, rinse gently with warm salt water three times a day. Use one teaspoon of salt to one glass of warm water.
  • Sharp Edges – if you feel something hard or sharp edges in the surgical areas, you are likely feeling the boney walls that once supported the extracted teeth. Occasionally the small slivers of bone may work themselves out during the following week or so. If they cause concern or discomfort, please call our office.

    • It is not uncommon to experience nausea after surgery. Many times pain medication is the cause. Nausea can be reduced by eating a small amount of food prior to taking your dose of pain medication.
    • Drinking plenty of clear fluids is key.
    • Call our office if you don’t begin to feel better after the first 24 hours.
    • Avoid hot and spicy foods.
    • Do not use a straw for the first few days after surgery.
    • We advise that you limit the first day’s food intake to liquid or soft foods like, milkshakes, yogurt, soups, pudding, etc.
    • Progress to solid foods over the next few days, but it is important not to skip meals.
    • If you are diabetic, maintain your normal eating habits or follow instructions given by your doctor.


    • RINSING - Keeping your mouth clean after surgery is essential. Use ¼ teaspoon of salt dissolved in an 8 oz. glass of warm water and gently rinse with portions of the solution, taking five minutes to use the full glass. Repeat as often as you would like, at least two to three times daily.
    • BRUSHING – begin your normal oral hygiene routine as soon as possible after surgery. Clean your teeth within the bounds of comfort.
    • HOT APPLICATIONS – You may apply warm compresses to your skin over the areas of swelling (hot water bottles, hot moist towels, heating pad) for 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off. This will help with swelling and stiffness.
    • HEALING – The first two days after surgery are generally the most uncomfortable. On the third day you should be more comfortable and begin to eat a normal diet. The remainder of your healing should be a gradual, steady improvement. If you don’t see continued improvement, please call our office.
    • If you are given a plastic irrigating syringe, DO NOT use it for the first five days. Then use it daily according to the instructions until you are certain that the tooth socket is closed completely and that there is no chance for any food particles lodging in the socket.
    • NOTE – By law, narcotic refills CANNOT be requested over the phone. ALL requests have to be made in person during office hours.


    Following these instructions is key and discomfort should diminish day-by-day. If you find you are taking large amounts of pain medication at frequent intervals, please call our office. If you have questions or concerns about your healing progress, call us at 440.461.9600.

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    Highland Heights, OH

    5564 Wilson Mills Rd. #101 #102, Highland Heights, OH 44143

    Email: smile@koskidepaul.com

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    Office Hours

    • MON - TUE8:00 am - 5:00 pm
    • WEDClosed
    • THU - FRI8:00 am - 5:00 pm
    • SAT - SUNClosed
    (440) 461-9600
